Statistics - Ogive

The following table gives the daily wages of workers in a factory:

Wages (₹) Number of workers
$400 - 450$ $2$
$450 - 500$ $6$
$500 - 550$ $12$
$550 - 600$ $18$
$600 - 650$ $24$
$650 - 700$ $13$
$700 - 750$ $5$

Use a graph paper to draw an ogive for the given data. Use a scale of $2 \; cm = $ ₹ $100$ on the X-axis and $2 \; cm = 20$ workers on the Y-axis.

From the ogive estimate
  1. the median wage of the workers;
  2. the inter-quartile range;
  3. the number of workers who earn more than ₹ $625$ daily.

Wages (₹) (Class Interval) Number of workers (frequency) Cumulative Frequency
$400 - 450$ $2$ $2$
$450 - 500$ $6$ $8$
$500 - 550$ $12$ $20$
$550 - 600$ $18$ $38$
$600 - 650$ $24$ $62$
$650 - 700$ $13$ $75$
$700 - 750$ $5$ $80$

Total number of workers $= N = 80$

  1. Median wage of workers $= \left(\dfrac{N}{2}\right)^{th}$ term

    $\begin{aligned} \text{i.e.} \; \text{Median wage} & = \left(\dfrac{80}{2}\right)^{th} \text{ term} \\\\ & = 40^{th} \text{ term} = 605 \end{aligned}$

    i.e. $\;$ Median wage of workers $= $ ₹ $605$

  2. Lower quartile $= Q_1 = \left(\dfrac{N}{4}\right)^{th}$ term

    i.e. $\;$ $Q_1 = \left(\dfrac{80}{4}\right)^{th}$ term $= 20^{th}$ term $= 550$

    Upper quartile $= Q_3 = \left(\dfrac{3N}{4}\right)^{th}$ term

    i.e. $\;$ $Q_3 = \left(\dfrac{3 \times 80}{4}\right)^{th}$ term $= 60^{th}$ term $= 640$

    $\therefore \;$ Inter-quartile range $= Q_3 - Q_1 = 640 - 550 = 90$

  3. Number of workers who earn ₹ $625$ daily $= 50$

    $\therefore \;$ Number of workers who earn more than ₹ $625$ daily $= 80 - 50 = 30$