
The following table shows the distribution of marks obtained by a group of $400$ students in an examination.

Marks less than $10$ $20$ $30$ $40$ $50$ $60$ $70$ $80$ $90$ $100$
Number of students $5$ $10$ $30$ $60$ $105$ $180$ $270$ $355$ $390$ $400$

Using a scale of $1 cm = 10 $ marks and $1 cm = 50$ students, plot these values and draw a smooth curve through these points.

Estimate from the graph the median marks, the lower quartile marks, the upper quartile marks and the inter-quartile range.

Marks less than Class Interval Number of students (Cumulative frequency)
$10$ $0 - 10$ $5$
$20$ $10 - 20$ $10$
$30$ $20 - 30$ $30$
$40$ $30 - 40$ $60$
$50$ $40 - 50$ $105$
$60$ $50 - 60$ $180$
$70$ $60 - 70$ $270$
$80$ $70 - 80$ $355$
$90$ $80 - 90$ $390$
$100$ $90 - 100$ $400$

Number of students $= N = 400$

Taking marks (class intervals) along X-axis and number of students (cumulative frequency) along Y-axis, draw an ogive.
Median $= \left(\dfrac{N}{2}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{400}{2}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 200^{th} \; \text{value} = 62.5$

$\therefore \;$ Median marks $= 62.5$

Lower quartile $= Q_1 = \left(\dfrac{N}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{400}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 100^{th} \; \text{value} = 49$

$\therefore \;$ Lower quartile $= 49$

Upper quartile $= Q_3 = \left(\dfrac{3N}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{3 \times 400}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 300^{th} \; \text{value} = 73.5$

$\therefore \;$ Upper quartile $= 73.5$

Inter-quartile range $= Q_3 - Q_1 = 73.5 - 49 = 24.5$