
For the following distribution draw a histogram.

Weight (in kg) $44 - 47$ $48 - 51$ $52 - 55$ $56 - 59$ $60 - 63$ $64 - 67$
Frequency $23$ $25$ $37$ $18$ $7$ $2$

Estimate the mode from the histogram.

Here, the class intervals given are in inclusive form and need to be converted into exclusive form.

$\begin{aligned} \text{Adjustment factor} & = \dfrac{1}{2} \left(\text{upper limit of a class} - \text{lower limit of previous class}\right) \\\\ & = \dfrac{1}{2} \left(48 - 47\right) = 0.5 \end{aligned}$

$\therefore \;$ The adjusted class intervals are

Weight in kg (Inclusive form) Weight in kg (Exclusive form) Frequency
$44 - 47$ $43.5 - 47.5$ $23$
$48 - 51$ $47.5 - 51.5$ $25$
$52 - 55$ $51.5 - 55.5$ $37$
$56 - 59$ $55.5 - 59.5$ $18$
$60 - 63$ $59.5 - 63.5$ $7$
$64 - 67$ $63.5 - 67.5$ $2$

In the histogram, the highest rectangle represents the maximum frequency (or modal class).

Inside this rectangle, draw lines $AC$ and $BD$ diagonally from the upper corners $A$ and $D$ of adjacent rectangles.

Let the point of intersection of $AC$ and $BD$ be $K$.

Draw $KL$ perpendicular to the horizontal axis.

The value of point $L$ on the horizontal axis represents the mode and the class interval in which point $L$ lies is the modal class.

From the figure, mode $= 53.1 \; kg$; $\;$ modal class $= 51.5 - 55.5$