
Plot a cumulative distribution curve for the following data:

Weight in kg $40 - 45$ $45 - 50$ $50 - 55$ $55 - 60$ $60 - 65$ $65 - 70$ $70 - 75$ $75 - 80$
Pupils $7$ $15$ $28$ $20$ $12$ $10$ $6$ $2$

Estimate the median and the quartiles.

If $50 \; kg$ is standard weight, find the number of pupils that are overweight.

Weight in kg (Class Interval) Pupils (Frequency) Cumulative Frequency
$40 - 45$ $7$ $7$
$45 - 50$ $15$ $22$
$50 - 55$ $28$ $50$
$55 - 60$ $20$ $70$
$60 - 65$ $12$ $82$
$65 - 70$ $10$ $92$
$70 - 75$ $6$ $98$
$75 - 80$ $2$ $100$

Number of students $= N = \Sigma f_i = 100$

Taking weight (in kg) (class intervals) along X-axis and cumulative frequency along Y-axis, draw an ogive.

Median $= \left(\dfrac{N}{2}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{100}{2}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 50^{th} \; \text{value} = 55$

$\therefore \;$ Median number of pupils $= 55$

Lower quartile $= Q_1 = \left(\dfrac{N}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{100}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 25^{th} \; \text{value} = 51$

$\therefore \;$ Lower quartile $= 51$

Upper quartile $= Q_3 = \left(\dfrac{3N}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = \left(\dfrac{3 \times 100}{4}\right)^{th} \text{value} = 75^{th} \; \text{value} = 62$

$\therefore \;$ Upper quartile $= 62$

Given: Standard weight $= 50 \; kg$

From the ogive, number of pupils who weigh $50 \; kg = 22$

$\therefore \;$ Number of pupils who are overweight $= 100 - 22 = 78$