
The following table shows the marks of $120$ students obtained in an examination. Draw an ogive for the table.

Marks $30 - 40$ $40 - 50$ $50 - 60$ $60 - 70$ $70 - 80$ $80 - 90$ $90 - 100$
Number of students $1$ $3$ $11$ $21$ $43$ $32$ $9$

Use the ogive to estimate:
  1. the median;

  2. the upper quartile;

  3. the number of students who got more than $95 \%$ marks;

  4. the marks obtained by top $20 \%$ students in the examination.

Marks (Class Interval) Number of students (frequency $f_i$) Cumulative Frequency
$30 - 40$ $1$ $1$
$40 - 50$ $3$ $4$
$50 - 60$ $11$ $15$
$60 - 70$ $21$ $36$
$70 - 80$ $43$ $79$
$80 - 90$ $32$ $111$
$90 - 100$ $9$ $120$

Number of students $= N = \Sigma f_i = 120$

Taking marks (class intervals) along X-axis and cumulative frequency along Y-axis, draw an ogive.

  1. Median $= \left(\dfrac{N}{2}\right)^{th} \text{term} = \left(\dfrac{120}{2}\right)^{th} \text{term} = 60^{th} \text{term} = 75.5$

    $\therefore \;$ Median value $= 75.5$

  2. Upper quartile $= Q_3 = \left(\dfrac{3N}{4}\right)^{th} \text{term} = \left(\dfrac{3 \times 120}{4}\right)^{th} \text{term} = 90^{th} \text{term} = 83$

    $\therefore \;$ Upper quartile $= 83$

  3. Number of students who got $95 \%$ marks $= 117$

    $\therefore \;$ Number of students who got more than $95 \%$ marks $= 120 - 117 = 3$

  4. Number of top $20 \%$ students $= \dfrac{20}{100} \text{ of } 120 = 24$ students

    $\therefore \;$ Marks obtained by top $20 \%$ students $= 85 \text{ to } 100$