Commercial Mathematics - Shares and Dividends

A person bought ₹ $\; 100$ shares of dividend $9 \%$ selling at a certain price. If the rate of return is $7.5 \%$, calculate:

  1. the market value of each share;
  2. the amount to be invested to obtain an annual income of ₹ $\; 1260$;
  3. how many more shares should be bought to increase the income to ₹ $\; 1890$.

Nominal value (N.V) of each share $= $ ₹ $ 100$

Rate of dividend $= 9 \%$

Rate of return $= 7.5 \%$

  1. Let market value (M.V) of each share $= $ ₹ $ x$

    Now, $\;$ $\text{Rate of return} \times M.V = \text{Rate of dividend} \times N.V$

    i.e. $\;$ $\dfrac{7.5}{100} \times x = \dfrac{9}{100} \times 100$

    $\implies$ $x = \dfrac{900}{7.5} = 120$

    i.e. $\;$ Market value of each share $= $ ₹ $ 120$

  2. Total annual income $= $ ₹ $ 1260$

    Annual income on $1$ share $= 9 \%$ of ₹ $ 100 = $ ₹ $ 9$

    $\begin{aligned} \text{Number of shares bought} & = \dfrac{\text{Total annual income}}{\text{Annual income on 1 share}} \\\\ & = \dfrac{1260}{9} \\\\ & = 140 \end{aligned}$

    $\therefore \;$ Amount to be invested $=$ Number of shares bought $\times$ M.V of 1 share

    i.e. $\;$ Amount to be invested $= 140 \times $ ₹ $ 120 = $ ₹ $ 16,800$

  3. New annual income $= $ ₹ $ 1890$

    $\begin{aligned} \therefore \; \text{Number of shares} & = \dfrac{\text{Total annual income}}{\text{Annual income on 1 share}} \\\\ & = \dfrac{1890}{9} \\\\ & = 210 \end{aligned}$

    $\therefore \;$ Number of extra shares $= 210 - 140 = 70$