Permutations and Combinations

How many three-letter words can be formed using the letters $\;$ $a, \; b, \; c, \; d, \; e$ $\;$ if:

  1. repetition is allowed;
  2. repetition is not allowed?

Given: 5 letters $\; a, \; b, \; c, \; d, \; e$

  1. Repetition is allowed
    The first letter can be selected in $5$ ways.

    The second letter can be selected in $5$ ways.

    The third letter can be selected in $5$ ways.

    $\therefore \;$ Total number of ways of forming three-letter words using the given letters if repetition is allowed is $= 5 \times 5 \times 5 = 125$ ways.

  2. Repetition is not allowed
    The first letter can be selected in $5$ ways.

    The second letter can be selected in $4$ ways.

    The third letter can be selected in $3$ ways.

    $\therefore \;$ Total number of ways of forming three-letter words using the given letters if repetition is allowed is $= 5 \times 4 \times 3 = 60$ ways.